Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Delightful Distractions

It started with a few leaves around a cluster of crocuses, the rain had finally stopped and I want to encourage those crocuses to bloom so I pulled away the matted leaves. Then I saw the tiny blue Chionodoxa blooms, which always make me think of smiles, and I needed to free them from the last vestiges of winter’s grasp. This included the husks of old Iris leaves, which I cut back to discover the tiny new green Iris siberica growth, tinged with red; and the Narcissus dotted throughout. Needless to say, I had to keep going.

Denied the sheer joy of “fingers in the earth” for the past four, cold, winter months, I felt ravenous as I tore through the garden debris and on to each new emerging promise of a beautiful spring. On and on I went, stopping only to grab a new lawn and leaf bag, or another garden tool – knowing full well I should be in my office getting work done – but feeling giddy from the joy of all these new treasures growing. A clump of new Narcissus I planted last fall can’t wait to see the blooms! Trusty Geranium sanguineum, Potentilla fruiticosa and Nepeta “Walker’s Low” already unfurling their leaves. An old stand of Campanula persicifolia putting up new leaves, like Phlox subulata, Iris germanica and Iberis sempervirens the low foliage stays green(ish) all winter! Which is key for breaking up those swaths of winter dirt when your perennials are dormant.

Alas, all good stories must come to an end. And my tale ended with a phone call, finally dragging me into my office, a bit stiff from lack of practice, but truly invigorated from my little foray. I guess I am lucky that dirty nails and knees give me ‘street cred.’ in this business.


Victoria Williams said...

It's nice to so easily get "lost" in gardening,

Cory Alexandre said...

It is! And how excellent that you two can share that experience. It is rare and very cool.

Gardeness said...

I know the bone-wrenching yet joy filled feeling! It's so wonderful to be back in the garden. Thank goodness for other gardeners otherwise we'd be a completely misunderstood lot! Look forward to seeing more of your garden.

Cory Alexandre said...

It is wonderful to have dirt under your nails again, and thanks for following my blog. Enjoy.

Tatyana@MySecretGarden said...

A lot of action in your garden! I like your blog's header picture!

Anonymous said...

talk about delightful distractions, have you ever placed or used a solar lightin your garden, how effective are they?